HI-PRIX – Health Innovation next Generation pricing Models: Balancing Sustainability of Innovation with Sustainability of Health Care
The variety of innovative technologies in healthcare delivery needs several pricing and payment models adapted in their design and implementation. However, the lack of appropriate data infrastructure, legal barriers, and unwillingness to adapt current systems often impede their use. The EU-funded HI-PRIX project will map and formulate new pricing and payment schemes to use across technology classes, therapeutic areas, settings, and healthcare systems/geographies and related principles to guide successful adjustment and flexible implementation. The project will investigate the impact on competitiveness, innovation, equity, and affordability of a pipeline of contracting modalities for health innovations and address the challenges and concerns of payers, manufacturers, healthcare professionals, and patients about different pricing models.
- Researcher: Jaime Espín Balbino
- Center: Andalusian School of Public Health
- Rol in the project: Work Package Leader
- Duration: 2023 – 2025
Página web del proyecto: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101095593